Adulting Made Easy in Austin - Austin luxury apartments with stress-free community amenities

Adulting Made Easy in Austin

Turn your comfort zone into a realm of endless possibilities at Alexan Riverside. Isn’t it time to enjoy adulting made easy in Austin? Our luxury apartment community helps you manage your responsibilities, chores, and leisure by offering premium amenities you’ll love. So get some overtime work done, clear out your to-do list, and then use your newfound freedom to get some good relaxation with friends.

Elevated Work-from-home Spaces

Are you preparing for your next presentation? Host your co-workers in our Wi-Fi-equipped conference room. We have everything you need to make sure your discussion goes smoothly. So get the tools you need to succeed, from an easy-to-use projector to comfortable lounge seating for you and your guests. We even have a gourmet coffee bar to keep everyone alert and refreshed.

Take a Break in Style

Reward yourself for a job well done in our beautiful outdoor courtyard. First, relax in our resort-style pool and soak up the sunshine from our tanning ledge. Next, play with Fido in our pet-friendly community, spacious courtyard, and fully equipped pet spa. Lastly, cool off under the shade of our comfortable private cabanas while you chat with friends. Everything is better at Alexan Riverside.

Venture through Riverside

Don’t forget to check out our Riverside neighborhood for your needs and desires. We’re a short walk from several of the city’s best restaurants, shopping centers, and attractions. In addition, thanks to our electric car charging stations, you can shrink your footprint during your morning commute. 

Enjoy adulting made easy in Austin when you live smarter at Alexan Riverside. Check out our stress-free Austin luxury apartment community and see our amenities.